Whoo-hoo! I FINALLY finished my first draft of "Snowbound," book 5 in the Milligan Creek Series. It's actually more than a first draft, seeing as I've already closely edited all but the last few chapters. It's also about 20 percent longer than my longest Milligan Creek book to date. Not sure what that means, but I'm running with it. What a sense of relief. Every time I start a new book or film, I'm always nagged by a voice in the back of my mind that says this time I won't be able to finish it. So far, that voice has been wrong. If all goes well, "Snowbound" will be available in November. Meanwhile, I've also solidified the plot for book 6, which will bring my love of filmmaking into the world of Milligan Creek. Here's a quick synopsis: To celebrate their purchase of the old movie theater in Milligan Creek, the new owners launch a short film contest, complete with cash prizes and a chance to have the winning films screened at the theater’s grand reopening. When word leaks out that a real Hollywood movie will be filming nearby, Matt and Chad Taylor and their best friends Andrew and Dean concoct an outrageous plan to make their short film the most spectacular of all by secretly taking advantage of everything the big-budget production has to offer, but only if they can pull it off without getting caught!
Kevin MillerBrief thoughts and updates on writing, publishing, and life Archives
December 2024