You've no doubt heard about "back of the envelope ideas." Well, that's exactly how the cover concept for The Water War came about. This past August, I was in an airport somewhere in the American Midwest in production on my latest documentary when I decided it was time to get Kierston going on the cover. So, as my son and I were eating lunch, I quickly sketched up the following. I sent it off to Kierston, along with a brief description of the scene, and she was off to the races. Her ability to interpret such horrid drawings is just one of the many reasons I enjoy working with her so much.
To see more of her work, check out her website. To see the finished version of the cover, visit my store--and pre-order a copy!
Here's a quick summary: When a beautiful new girl moves to Milligan Creek, everyone in town is so smitten that her mere presence threatens to ruin the perfect summer that Matt has planned for him, his brother, Chad, and their best friends, Andrew and Dean. So, the boys come up with what seems like the perfect distraction: a water war. It’s the ultimate game of survival, where every player is both hunter and prey. But when Matt's buddies invite the new girl to join in, the game that was supposed to unite them against the interloper threatens to tear their close friendship apart.
The book will be available in mid-November, but you can pre-order it now! After completing the first draft last Monday, I've done a couple of rounds of revisions and now have my beta readers doing a second read-through. Once that's done, I will do the final revisions, and then it's off to the printer! After working on this book on and off over the past year, it's so exciting to finally see it so close to the finish line. And wait until you see the cover Kierston has created!
Kevin MillerBrief thoughts and updates on writing, publishing, and life Archives
December 2024